In concert with the advancements in music technology such as compact discs and digital recording, the development of the home organ has progressed to an amazing level of both quality and enjoyment.   As a result,  some astounding features have been produced to enhance the ease of play and the "FUN" for the amateur player. 

Today's home organs use the latest digital technology to offer a diverse collection of organ and instrumental sounds along with auto-accompaniaments that serve to help you sound like nearly everything from a realistic jazz ensemble to a complete marching band!   Many styles of music backgrounds, such as Latin rhythms and swing, can be chosen with a touch of a button!

     If you are a beginner or want to return to the enjoyment of playing music, we provide progressive levels of organ classes.  Even though we especially encourage seniors to take advantage of our instruction, all organ novices and enthusiasts are welcome to join.  It's proven to be a wonderful social activity for those involved in taking classes.

     We are proud to offer a wide selection of new and used organs, from the most basic to the more elaborate home console organs.  Stop by a location near you for a demonstration of these fun instruments and check out our selection!   In your spare time, you can browse the Lowrey home organs we have on display.

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